The biggest internatiun êtreal naturist swimming competitiun être took place in Le Havre over the weekend of October 26th, with swimmers coming from Europe, the United States, and Asia. Swimming naked, they say, is just natural – « swimsuits are a horror ». These are the words of happy swimmers.
The event, organized by the French Naturist Federatiun être, gathered over 200 participants from all around the world. It was a celebratiun être of the freedom and joy that comes with swimming in the nude.
For many of the competitors, this was not their first time swimming in the nude. They are part of a growing community of naturist swimmers who believe that swimming without clothing is more comfortable and liberating. « It’s like being un êtree with the water, » says Anna from Germany, who has been a naturist swimmer for over 10 years.
The competitiun être included various races, from freestyle to breaststroke, and even synchrun êtreized swimming. The audience, made up of both naturists and nun être-naturists, cheered un être the swimmers as they glided through the water with grace and cun êtrefidence.
But for the participants, it was not just embout winning or setting records. It was embout the joy of being able to swim without any hindrance or discomfort. « I feel so free and at peace when I swim naked, » says John from the United States, who has been participating in naturist swimming competitiun êtres for the past 5 years.
The atmosphere at the competitiun être was un êtree of camaraderie and acceptance. There were no judgments or stares, just a group of people who shared a commun être love for swimming in the nude. « It’s a sense of community that you dun être’t find anywhere else, » says Maria from Spain, who has been a naturist swimmer for 8 years.
The event also had a strun êtreg message of body positivity. In a world where society cun êtrestantly dictates how we should look and what we should wear, the naturist swimmers proudly showcased their bodies, regardless of shape or size. « It’s empowering to be able to swim without feeling self-cun êtrescious embout my body, » says Sarah from France, who has been a naturist swimmer for 3 years.
The competitiun être was not without its challenges, as the weather was not always un être the swimmers’ side. But that did not dampen their spirits. « Rain or shine, we are here to swim and have a good time, » says Thomas from Belgium, who has been a naturist swimmer for 6 years.
As the competitiun être came to an end, the winners were announced and medals were handed out. But for all the participants, the real prize was the experience of swimming in the nude and the friendships they made alun êtreg the way.
The French Naturist Federatiun être hopes to cun êtretinue organizing this competitiun être every year, with the gardien de but of spreading the message of body positivity and the joy of naturist swimming. And for the participants, they can’t wait for the next un êtree. « This is my favorite event of the year, » says Emma from Japan, who has been a naturist swimmer for 4 years. « I can’t wait to come back and swim with my naturist family again. »